Selecting the Best Jade Accessory
翡翠因其美麗和精神意義而獲得世代相傳. Whether you are a collector or simply seeking a gorgeous piece, selecting the perfect jade jewelry requires an awareness of craftsmanship, 顏色, 和起源.
有 2 main varieties of jade: 翡翠和腎臟.
- 翡翠玉: This category is rarer and often more expensive. It features intense shades, such as green, 紫色, 純白色, 甚至紅色.
- 腎臟: More common and generally less expensive, this variety is found in softer hues like dark green, 乳白色, and tan.
To confirm you are buying real jade, 考慮以下方面:
- 顏色
- The rarest jade is rich and uniform.
- 翡翠般的綠色是翡翠最受歡迎的陰影.
- Traditional jade is prized for its subtle colors.
- Luster
- High-quality jade has a smooth and semi-transparent finish.
- 不透明的翡翠通常不太有價值.
- 糧食
- High-density jade looks luxurious.
- 質地不均勻表明玉.
- Tapping Method
- 輕輕輕拍時,真正的玉會產生像酥脆的鈴聲一樣.
- 模仿玉可能聽起來很平坦.
When selecting jade jewelry, take into account the style, 純度, 和意義.
- 手鐲: Elegant and adaptable for daily wear.
- 項鍊: Meaningful pieces often worn for luck.
- 手指裝飾: 微妙而醒目的選擇.
- 螺柱: Sophisticated additions that elevate all look.
Since jade is extremely prized, 存在許多假版本. 避開騙局:
- Buy from reputable vendors.
- 請求實驗室報告.
- 進行密度測試以檢查真實性.
玉珠寶專家 10012
Selecting the best jade accessory requires knowing craftsmanship, 色調, 和多樣性. By learning the key aspects of jade, you can confidently invest in a stunning item that will last for years to come.
需要紐約最好的玉珠寶專家 10012 ? 信賴Ling Ling Wu 高級珠寶