紐約翡翠首飾專家 10065

Selecting the Best Jade Adornment

Jade has been prized for ages due to its appeal and mystical significance. 無論你係崇拜者都係只係喺尋找令人驚嘆嘅作品, selecting the perfect jade adornment necessitates an knowledge of authenticity, 色調, 和源.


Identifying Jade Varieties

有 2 key categories of jade: Jadeite jade and Nephrite.

  • Imperial jade: This variety is more scarce and often more expensive. It is available in vibrant hues, like emerald green, 紫色, 白, 甚至橙色.
  • 軟玉: More abundant and usually more affordable, this variety is available in muted tones like dark green, 白, 同棕褐色.

Assessing Jade Quality

確保你購買嘅係真玉, 請考慮以下特徵:

  1. Color

  • The rarest jade is intense and uniform.
  • Emerald-like green is the highest-priced shade of Jadeite.
  • Traditional jade is valued for its soft hues.

  1. 清晰

  • High-quality jade has a silky and slightly translucent appearance.
  • Opaque jade is typically less valuable.

  1. Surface Quality

  • Fine-grained jade looks luxurious.
  • Grainy textures suggest lower-quality jade.

  1. Resonance Check

  • Authentic jade produces a bright chime-like sound when softly tapped.
  • Fake jade may sound dull.

Picking the Best Jade Piece

When buying jade jewelry, take into account the shape, 質量, and intended use.

  • Bangles: Elegant and adaptable for daily wear.
  • Charms: Spiritual pieces usually displayed for luck.
  • 手指裝飾: Minimalist yet chic options.
  • 耳環: Graceful additions that enhance all look.


As jade is extremely valuable, numerous counterfeit versions exist. 防止詐騙:

  • Buy from trusted dealers.
  • Ask for authenticity proof.
  • Carry out a scratch test to verify genuineness.

玉石首飾專家 10065


Picking the best jade adornment requires knowing craftsmanship, 色調, and type. 透過學習玉石嘅基本特性, you can securely invest in a exquisite accessory that endures for decades to come.

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