Choosing the Perfect Jade Adornment
Jade has been treasured for generations due to its beauty and spiritual significance. Whether you are a collector or simply looking for a eye-catching piece, choosing the perfect jade jewelry requires an understanding of craftsmanship, 色調, 和起源.
Understanding Jade Categories
有 2 jade: Jadeite jade and Traditional jade.
- 玉器: This variety is more scarce and typically higher in value. 它具有豐富的陰影, 包括綠色, 紫色的, 純白色, 甚至橙色.
- 腎臟: More common and typically cheaper, this category is present in muted shades like forest green, 乳白色, 和泥土棕色.
Assessing Jade Purity
確保您獲得真正的玉, 考慮以下因素:
- 陰影
- The rarest jade is rich and consistent.
- Imperial green is the most desirable shade of Jadeite.
- Nephrite is valued for its muted tones.
- Luster
- High-quality jade has a silky and semi-transparent finish.
- 不透明的玉通常更便宜.
- 糧食
- Fine-grained jade feels silky.
- Uneven textures signify less refined jade.
- 共振檢查
- 輕輕輕拍時,真正的玉會產生像酥脆的鈴聲一樣.
- 假玉可能聽起來很平坦.
Selecting the Ideal Jade Item
When selecting jade accessories, take into account the style, 真實性, 和目的.
- 腕帶: 永恆而多才多藝的日常穿著.
- 吊墜: Symbolic pieces usually adorned for energy.
- 樂隊: Statement yet eye-catching items.
- 刺激: 抬高任何外觀的精緻添加.
Since jade is highly prized, numerous synthetic versions exist. 防止騙局:
- Buy from established dealers.
- 要求真實性證明.
- Carry out a scratch test to confirm realness.
玉珠寶專家 10025
Choosing the perfect jade accessory involves knowing quality, 色調, 和多樣性. By familiarizing yourself with the important aspects of jade, you can confidently invest in a stunning item that remains valuable for years to come.
需要紐約最好的玉珠寶專家 10025 ? 信賴Ling Ling Wu 高級珠寶