紐約正宗嘅翡翠首飾 10165

Picking the Most Suitable Jade Jewelry

Jade has been cherished for ages due to its beauty and symbolic significance. Whether you are a enthusiast or simply seeking a gorgeous piece, selecting the most suitable jade adornment requires an understanding of quality, 顏色, 和源.


Understanding Jade Varieties

There are a pair of key varieties of jade: Jadeite jade and Nephrite.

  • 翡翠: This variety is less common and often higher in value. It comes in vibrant hues, including apple green, 紫色, ivory, and even yellow.
  • Traditional jade: More abundant and typically less expensive, this variety is present in subtler shades like dark green, 乳白色, and brown.

Assessing Jade Quality

確認你購買嘅係真玉, 考慮以下因素:

  1. 色調

  • The most valuable jade is deep and consistent.
  • Emerald-like green is the highest-priced shade of Jadeite.
  • Nephrite is valued for its subtle hues.

  1. 光澤

  • High-quality jade has a silky and semi-transparent look.
  • 不透明玉石通常價值較低.

  1. Surface Quality

  • Smooth-textured jade appears silky.
  • Rough textures signify less refined jade.

  1. 攻絲方式

  • Authentic jade produces a bright chime-like sound when softly tapped.
  • Fake jade may sound flat.

Picking the Ideal Jade Item

When purchasing jade adornments, factor in the style, purity, 同含義.

  • Wristwear: Classic and versatile for daily wear.
  • Charms: Spiritual pieces often displayed for luck.
  • Rings: Subtle yet eye-catching options.
  • Studs: Sophisticated additions that elevate every look.


Because jade is extremely prized, numerous fake versions exist. 防止詐騙:

  • Acquire from reputable dealers.
  • Demand authenticity proof.
  • 執行光線測試以驗證真偽.

正宗嘅翡翠首飾 10165


Picking the best jade jewelry requires knowing quality, 色調, 同類別. By familiarizing yourself with the key factors of jade, you can securely buy a stunning item that endures for generations to come.

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